The case encloses the movement, which is at the origin of this asymmetric shape. This is a new creative approach to shaped watches, a design that is not gratuitous but is justified by the priority given to technique. In other words, form follows function, which in our eyes represents a successful design exercise.

Good design is form following function.


Freed from symmetry, the curves of the case follow the spirals of the Fibonacci sequence, an inspiring pattern based on the golden ratio.

“The golden ratio is a universal law, in which is contained the fundamental principle of all effort to form beauty and completeness, in the realm of nature as in the field of art, and which pervades from the beginning, as a supreme spiritual idea, in all forms and proportions.”

Adolf Zeising, 1854


We designed bespoke numbers to extend this idea of dancing curves, seeking a graphic spirit without straight lines. Each number radially follows a curve and its counter-curve, in a search for the right balance between aesthetics and legibility.